Meandering Shoal/ 瑞芳圖書館新建工程

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        Rui Fang District located in the middle-up stream of Keelung River, also known as “Citrus Shoal”, where has its own special landscape characteristics in terms of her terrain, mining industry and transportation position. This proposal try to represent these local assets of this region through the sequence of approaching, which comes from the idea of illustrating mountain and river.

       The folding façade represents the mountain around, which also connects the nature at the both end of city edge visually in terms of urban perspective. The composition of this façade manipulated by a serious of folding insulation walls facing west, recessed openings and caved fissure to express the heavy, rock looking texture related to the mining mountains sitting on the urban corner. The texture becomes part of the reflecting ceiling underneath where the residence activities happen in a regular basis, and the reflections alone the fissured ceiling stretching out like creek towards the main entry and open space. The lifted entry is also reflecting cladded along the fissured ceiling and becoming a cylinder stair, where you  can see the surroundings, the gloried natural mountains, current declined urban textures and the poetic representation of the history in a way of Montage while moving up towards the main entry of this library.


      The experiences go through the interior space continuously through curved ceiling, intertwined mountain bookracks, and subtle waved lighting fixture to represent the idea of “Citrus Shoal”, where visitors sharing the culture assets and knowledge. Finally, the journey ends in the quiet and mining cave looking studying area wrapped along the mountain façade, where you literally see nothing but folding panels, irregular skylight spots through roof-well and skyline of the city floating above the trees.



     就建築的都市架構而言: 建築不規則的折面外牆除表達著山體形態上的關聯性,更以都市觀點的空間經驗實質上來串聯街道兩端的自然山體,而藉由這面西山形皮層上開口、深度的安排,使得山體造型在都市空間裡以岩塊狀、堆疊交織的方式自然呈現,成為街角空間俱地標性、文化性的小鎮焦點;隱身其下的則是週邊里民的活動廣場,山體裂縫般的建築造型延續性的在廣場的天花板呈現,透過裂紋式的塊狀分割與鏡面不鏽鋼對活動倒影的反射,形朔如同”柑仔賴”的淺灘河道,引領著訪客與里民進到入口區塊的垂直動線;延綿而上的樓梯以溪流般的材質牆,透過漸漸提高的視角倒映著週邊山體、河景,更倒映著現有都市空間的紋理,以極俱蒙太奇的視覺經驗來敘述瑞芳輝煌的過往、沒落的現今與期待表達這故事性的未來,並於高處的樓梯入口平台眺望著群山與河道彎口處而進入圖書館內。



  • Status:
  • Design Period:
    Sep. 2017~Current
  • Location:
    Rei Fang, New Taipei City, Taiwan
  • Building Type:
    Public Library
  • Proposal Area:
    1200 sm
  • Budget:
    85,000,000 NT

