The Dancing Roof/ 台東縣 龍田鄉住宅

The DancingRoof 00B
The DancingRoof 01B The DancingRoof 02B The DancingRoof 03B The DancingRoof 04B The DancingRoof 05B


    The site is located in the south end of East Rift Valley, southern side of the Plateau of Luyeh , facing the Coastal Mountain range to the East, and the Central Mountain range to the west, where host the hang gliding and balloon fiesta in a yearly basis. Therefore, wind and terrain are the critical intentions to direct this design proposal to achieve the intention of air circulating and energy saving for this building. 

      The basic planning is a T shape layout, main living areas located along south facing farming area and bedrooms located along north-east facing the Dulang Mountain nearby. The recessed corner in the south acts as a wind receiving entry to invite south-west wind during summer; the leeward corner in the north hiding behind bedroom units where the leafs accumulated in winter in terms of monsoon yearly basis. The staircase located in-between living and bedroom area leading the heat through stair towards roof tower as a chimney exhausts the heat generated inside the building. The double roofing system acts not only as a heating buffer blocking the sun heating up the building directly, but also inviting the terrain wind during the day and night through the cantilever roof in the south and the tilted corner in the north east to cool down the temperature inside. 

      The irregular roof not only provides insolation and shading for the building, but also integrated with winds from different direction as an angled mountain shape corresponding with the profiles of the mountains surrounded; the building eventually blends into its environment with the roof and gradient color as a sculpture erecting from the ground and dancing with the mountains.            




    主要的生活起居空間面對南面主要的農作田地,臥房空間位於東北側,北向面對鹿野高台與東向面對都蘭山,基本空間的配置坐北朝南呈T形狀;就常年季風而言,南側內凹的L角為夏季東南風的導入口以達到夏天自然通風的集風條件,而介於開放的起居空間與封閉性的臥房間則為垂直性的樓梯高塔,並借由樓梯本身的垂直性成為一熱空氣的通風引導 – 煙囪效應;北側的L角為冬季東北季風的被風面扮演著自然風力下的集聚林木落葉的角隅集中場,以為過冬後後續農耕的自然堆肥備料。就環境地形風而言,雙層的建築屋頂不僅提供阻斷日照直射熱源的影響,南面出挑的屋簷衝孔板亦是白天引入南面氣流排熱的引風屋面;西北角的翹屋面則為夜間引入地形風排熱的引風屋面。 



  • Status:
    Permit Phase
  • Design Period:
    Jun. ~ Dec. 2014
  • Location:
    TaiTung County, Taiwan
  • Building Type:
    Single Residential 
  • Proposal Area:
    350 sm
  • Budget:

