The Persimmon/ 新竹縣 新埔鎮公所行政大樓競圖

SC-Xinpu-01-bSC-Xinpu-03 SC-Xinpu-04 SC-Xinpu-05 SC-Xinpu-06

    Xinpu is a special place in terms of its local industry, location, geological characteristics, and its development context of farming style and housing organization. Those are the approaching points of this project; trying to re-present the geological characteristics through manipulating the formation of massing, landscape and wind.

    The building generated from the landscape, which is organized through different scale of open spaces along this linear green belt, such as starting from a park across the street and become a corner plaza for public entering the building, the rice patties for gathering of small group of people and a water pound as pure landscape which changes boundaries through different seasons; the building rising up as a big pure plateau and a mountain shape looking mass sits on top of it. The whole formation represents the geological transformation of this area through time. The roof not only directs the wind through the building but also represents the idea that comes along with the local industries-dry persimmon. The Façade idea also comes from the similarity and differentiality of coloring transformation of drying persimmon so that people can experience the building like a giant persimmon tree through different positions in different angle while approaching this building.            





  • Status:
    Finalist, 2nd Place
  • Design Period:
    Oct. 2013
  • Location:
    HsinChu County, Taiwan
  • Building Type:
    Administration Office Buld. 
  • Proposal Area: 9,500 sm
  • Budget:
