Environment and building programming are the most critical factors to generate a building. A traditional static site analysis and building planning result a static building sequence. However, shifting the relations of different scales into a more performance relation via the variation influences and interactions through “time” gives the building a more performing, continuity feature and possibilities.
Environmental scale, the different influences come from the existing condition of the surroundings, which might interact and influence how a building formed and organized simultaneously. Building scale, the different influences come from the different system inside a building, such as structure system, mechanical systems circulation systems, and service systems. The notion of building scale is that how these different systems influence and interact with each other through time, and how they intertwine and perform together with the architecture simultaneously.
This project also imposes an overall idea of Landform Architecture basis on the existing city environment and the basic idea of Variation of Interaction which is extract from the studies and behaviors of the animation. The goal of this approach is how the environment, building form, and building organization integrate and interact together through time and how architecture itself gives the land back to the city.
環境因子與建築機能因子是生成建築最重要的兩大部分,一般教條式的環境分析與建築空間的分析部局,成就了一較靜態式的建築表情與空間序列。 然而,藉由’時間”以一動態式的分析方式來了解環境與建築間多樣性的互動性關係提供另一種解讀建築環境與建築生成的可能性。在這研究案中探討的著 ”時間”在建築設計的過程裡如何提供另一種解讀建築環境與建築自體間連續性互動的關係與回應,也藉於此,如何讓建築與環境能有一更彼此相互相容的空間布局。
以環境尺度而言,既有的環境狀態不但足以影響基地周邊的組織構成,也同時足以實質的影響了建築自身的構成方式與內部空間機能組織的可能性;以建築尺度的概念而言,不同的機能系統如: 結構系統、動線系統、設備系統、服務性系統等,如何在”時間”動態分析下同時與建築外觀與內部組織相互影響與交織。